Who we are
IBATECH Tecnología S.L.U. is an engineering company founded in 2009 specialising in the provision of innovative solutions to the defense and environment sectors. Our main business areas include CBRN defence, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), meteorology, and communications and logistics.
Ibatech comprises a team of specialists with over 20 years’ experience in the following areas:
- Detection and identification of chemical, biological and radiological agents.
- Detection and identification of explosives. Demilitarisation.
- Ensuring the availability, supply and decontamination of water.
- Improving air quality through the detection and elimination of CBN contaminants.
- Treating biological and chemical waste annd CBRN decontamination.
- Electricity generation with new technologies and on-board vehicle communication systems.
- Research and development of technologies, equipment and solutions associated to the fields of NBC defence, EOD, meteorology, energy, water, air and waste.
- Consultancy specialised in technology, projects and sales to the defense and environment sectors.
Comprises a multi-disciplinary team of technicians in the fields of engineering, biology, chemistry and radiology as well as a network of external collaborators including companies and institutions and knowledge drivers in their respective areas.
Advance our solutions in order to benefit the quality of life and protection of citizens.
Bring in new technologies and innovation including nanotechnologies so as to ensure people have a clean supply of air and water.
Continually research how to improve our products and work with our clients in establishing work procedures and protocols.
Raise international awareness to CBRN-e threats and co-operate in the setting up and training of response structures in the face of crises.
Build an efficient, growing organisation in which quality is prioritised in order to ensure we are seen as leaders in our field. To put knowledge, energy and passion at the centre of everything we do.
Generate added value to technological innovation and reach as many users as possible.
Reach a level of profitability which can guarantee a stable and sustainable future, with high levels of investment in knowledge and people.
To build a company around the principles of quality and client commitment through a policy of responsibility, supportiveness and sustainability.
We will try to get this technology and equipment to where it is most needed as well as making every effort to ensure operating costs as affordable even in poor and developing countries.
To run and maintain ADELFAS, the non-profit making ‘association for the development, education, law, training, art and security’.
Features Services
R & D
IBATECH promotes and manages research and development projects in our areas of specialisation so as to apply new technologies or improve upon existing ones. We work closely with universities, research centres, businesses and public institutions to benefit or improve upon current client capabilities in the fields of CBRN detection, identification, protection and decontamination at both biotech and biosafety areas; water production, osmosis and atmospheric; fold away laboratories and vehicles; UAV-UGV paidloads and electric generators.
We also work on research and development projects with other consortia in different areas of specialisation. For example:
- QUIXOTE project “Quick Xor Technology for B&C cold-plasma decontamination“ awarded by the European Defense Agency (EDA)to IBATECH as consortium leader
- SOBID project “Stand off Biological Detection” an EDA backed project led by the Fraunhofer Institute of which Ibatech is a member.
Offers consultancy services specialised in CBRN defense. These basically comprise:
- Running of R&D projects and technology sourcing.
- Response protocols and CBRN system/ equipment testing.
- Training and simulation exercises including the integration of specific solutions.
- Studies and courses aimed at raising awareness to CBRN and bioterror threat, international legal frameworks, airborne agent spread simulations of clouds and aerosols, robots for CBRNe applications, water treatment, desalination and decontamination.
- PCBRN-European Union Centre of Excellence projects in which IBATECH works with FIIAAPP in training and equipping government agencies of partner countries (African Atlantic façade, Middle East, Balcans and Asia).
CBRN equipment
Specification, design, selection and supply of CBRNe equipment to be used by emergency response units in the management of CBRNe events for sampling, detection, identification, decontamination and recovery. Working together with industry leaders in the following areas:
- TRACERO, FLIR and ENVIRONICS: detection, identification and monitoring of radiation.
- VOPTRENCIN: Stand-off, laser-based chemical detection systems. ENVIRONICS: chemical detectors (CHEMPRO 100i, M-90) and full solutions for laboratories and reconnaisance vehicles. Ibatech also works with FLIR who specialise in gas chromotography identification systems and mass spectrometres (GRIFFIN) especially designed for explosives. INFICON: portable chemical systems. ORITEST, colorimetric detection.
- Biological identification and detection. BIOFIRE: polymerase chain reaction (PCR), RAZOR and RAPID; TETRACORE, Biothreat alert (BTA) and reader for manual identification. We also work on behalf on DYCOR for solutions sampling (BIOCAPTURE 650) and FLAPS III C identification and detection systems. We also represent FLIR through their IBAC biological detection kit. We also work on behalf of GERMFREE with their fold away CBN field laboratories, particularly those adapted to biosafety norms. We also work with HDT on logistic solutions.
- Personnel protection equipment.
- We represent products made by TRACERO, FLIR and ENVIRONICS which detect, identify and monitor radiation.
- With this equipment supply, it’s worth pointing out the GA-456/10-D “basic CBN kit sampler” and the dossier 209112011007900 “Biological environment kit”, which is a bio-sampler and identifier providing integrated solutions. We supply this equipment as well as training in how to use it.
Biological, chemical and radiological protection, identification, analysis and rapid response kit.
Engineering and projects
IBATECH develops civilian and military solutions and services in the fields of security, defence and the environment, particularly:
- Critical infrastructure: design and equipping of shelters and CBN-protected command posts which can be electromagnetic, fixed or fold away.
- Portable and standalone systems for purifying water through inverse osmosis.
- Systems, equipment and maintenance of vehicles and mobile laboratories which detect, warn of and identify CBN agents.
- Demilitarisation: destruction of expired munitions and cleaning land explosive-contaminated terrain.
- We can illustrate dossier nº 201109119010 “Demilitarisation of munitions, mines, explosives and devices present in the BIAMUNS, a contract for the army running from 2011-2014.
IBATECH works in the area of meteorological solutions relating to data gathering, i.e. pressure, temperature and humidity, which can be used in a CBN event scenario to predict the behaviour of contaminated clouds. To this end, we supply data gathering systems and equipment which can be used at ground level or at altitude and can be integrated to other environmental and decontamination systems. Among others, we count on MODEM, DEGREANE and IRDAM for such equipment.
As an example, we can illustrate dossier B. 12.002 “Supply and leasing of radiosonde balloons, with purchasing option, of an automatic remote-controlled radiosonde system” for MeteoCAT.