
IBATECH in the last H2020 NAIADES consortium meeting in Alicante

H2020 NAIADES consortium during its visit to the lagoon of the innovative La Marjal flood park in Alicante. IBATECH has attended the biannual meeting of the project consortium Horizon 2020 NAIADES in Alicante, Spain. The meeting, organized by Aguas de Alicante, served...

IBATECH in H2020 NAIADES kickoff meeting

IBATECH in H2020 NAIADES kickoff meeting

On June 4, the kickoff meeting of the new Horizon 2020 NAIADES project was held in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. The project, coordinated by the Greek research centre CERTH, is an innovation action funded in the call SC5-11-2018 - Digital solutions for water:...

IBATECH issues a new mobile CBRN laboratory to NATO

IBATECH issues a new mobile CBRN laboratory to NATO

IBATECH has just delivered a new level-3 CBRN mobile laboratory to NATO's NSPA agency for the Moldovan army. The purpose of this laboratory is the detection of anthrax spores in potentially contaminated terrains, featuring the capacity of maintaining the occupational...

IBATECH in Defence Forces Ireland CBRN unit exercise

IBATECH in Defence Forces Ireland CBRN unit exercise

During the execution of Horizon 2020 project ROCSAFE, IBATECH has visited together with the consortium a recent CBRN exercise by the Defence Forces in Ireland. DFI are part of our consortium as end users of the systems under development. Among other objectives,...

IBATECH in the EU CBRN-CoE P34 project

IBATECH in the EU CBRN-CoE P34 project

In a collaboration with the Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP), IBATECH contributed to the P34 project of the European Union CBRN Centre of Excellence with CBRN training and equipment to first responder teams...